We conserve and promote America's culturally diverse but endangered garden and food crop heritage for future generations by collecting, growing, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants. For more information visit the Seedsavers Exchange Website.
Considering seed saving? This video from Seed Savers Exchange will help you get started!
The Pima County Seed Library is located in Tuscon Arizona. Please note that sowing and harvesting dates will be different for your location.
Seed Saving is a perenially popular topic on podcasts of all sorts. Whether you're a frugalist or a survivalist, this link will lead you to a list of podcasts that will inform and inspire!
Here are a few others to get you listening!
The Gaia Foundation works to "support small farmers, especially women, to enhance their indigenous knowledge and seed varieties, to be food secure and to safeguard diversity for generations to come."
Seeds of Freedom, the first film in the trilogy, provides an overview of the history of agriculture, charting the transition of the farm into a factory, and highlighting the impact of the agrochemical and GM industries. Despite this, small-scale agroecological farmers feed the largest portion of the world’s population and they need our support to protect and promote food sovereignty.