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MLL Student Reference Guide: Resources at your Local Library

This guide is a resource for college students of all ages who need support while performing online research

Who to ask

Ask a Librarian

If you need help...

  • Using a database
  • Accessing a specific article
  • Getting a book through an interlibrary loan
  • Accessing our online materials

     Reach out!

Ask a Librarian

Access to Databases (need a library card)

Library Card

This card is the key. Once you have one, you gain access to all the library offers. Remember that the barcode on the back should never be entered with spaces between numbers. 

Contact Me

I am willing to meet with you and help you with a research project. I hold one-on-one technology appointments every week, they can be found on the program calendar. If you need a different day and time than the days and times, email me so we can work it out and set something up.  

MLL Cards